There are not nearly enough publications out there about the craft of mountmaking, but here are a few that relate to the craft. If you know of any mountmaking books, articles, presentations or links which you don’t see here, please contact us and we’ll add them!

Mountmaking by Subject
Click on the subject title to see a list of presentations, posters, blogs and videos pertaining to that subject.
If you are looking for something from a specific IMF event, please go to the “Conferences” page.

Books on Mountmaking and Related Skills:
Chaillie, Laura. ed 2024. The Conservator's Cookbook: Solution Preparation for the Heritage Professional. Routledge.
The Broad. 2021. The DAP (Diversity Apprenticeship Program) Toolbox.
Spicer, Gwen. 2019. Magnetic Mounting Systems for Museums and Cultural Institutions.
Rapp, Pat. 2018, 3rd ed. Engineer's Black Book.
Podany, Jerry. 2017. When Galleries Shake: Earthquake Damage Mitigation for Museum Collections.
Flecker, Lara. 2013. Costume Mounting.
McCreight, Tim. 2013. Practical Joining.
Special Mountmaking Issue. 2012. The Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 51 (1).
Chin, Jennifer. 2011. Hot Connections Jewelry: The Complete Sourcebook of Soldering Techniques.
McCreight, Tim. 2005. The Complete Metalsmith.
Barclay, Robert, André Bergeron, and Carole Dignard. 2002. Mountmaking for Museum Objects, 2nd ed.
Brunn, Margot and Joanne White. 2002. Museum Mannequins.
Carter, Paul. 1994, 3rd ed. Backstage Handbook and Illustrated Almanac of Technical Information.
Mayer, Ralph. 1991, 5th ed. The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques.

Online Resources from Allied Professions
This website provides information and tools so that institutions of all types, sizes and resource levels can learn how to create safe and appropriate storage mount solutions.
PACCIN is an organization created by, and committed to supporting the work of, Hands-On Collections Care Professionals.
AIC is the national membership organization supporting conservation professionals in preserving cultural heritage by establishing and upholding professional standards, promoting research and publications, providing educational opportunities, and fostering the exchange of knowledge among conservators, allied professionals, and
the public.