The June 8 to 11 class. which has a limit of 12 students, already has 9 signed up. Also, the classes are cheaper if you sign up early. See the Beloit College website, for details about the mount making classes. They also have a very good new video on their website that shows their Art Museum, their Anthropology Museum. their collections and their classroom facilities. Their facilities are great for hands-on mount making classes. They have a clean classroom area, an area for working with saws,drills, buffers, etc, and even a well ventilated metal brazing and welding area.
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There's also an advanced mount making class at Beloit with a limit of 6 students, but it needs a minimum of 4 students to run. I've signed up for it and was told there was only one other student signed up at that time. "Specific techniques to be taught will be tailored to participants’ needs, but may include seismic mounts (for earthquakes and building vibrations), invisible mounts, mounts for traveling exhibits, mounts for specific types of objects, compiling estimates for mounts including time, materials and budget costs, and networking with other mount making professionals around the country."
I'd love to be in class with you!
Please click here for a course description: