jd-tma 3/5/10
Hello list, Looking to purchase a small, portable welding fume extractor, and was wondering if anyone can recommend a particular model? Ideally it should be the size of a large suitcase or a canister/shop-vac...and would be great if it could serve double-duty and be used for extraction of fumes from brazing and other chemicals as well (ie: those commonly used by conservators). I've seen the Nederman FE840, but have never used one. Also found the following on the web: Lincoln Electric "Miniflex" Miller "Filtair 130" Enviroflex portable welding smoke extractor Anyone have any experience (good/bad) with these systems? Thanks, and feel free to contact me off-list if you prefer Jason Jason DePriest Art Handler | Mountmaker Toledo Museum of Art 2445 Monroe Street | Toledo . Ohio 419 . 254 . 5771 | x7235 jdepriest@toledomuseum.org
Lincoln Electric has one for about $1500. There are many manufacturers of portable fume extractors. For welding fumes, an electrostatic type filter works best. Some of the cheaper units are not an electrostatic filter but a paper or carbon filter and they clog out fast with welding fumes which are heavy particulates.
Jen Jackson 3/8/10
We use a DualDraw downdraft table at the National Museum of the Marine Corps. It is on casters, and can be rolled from shop to shop. If you need them I can look up the specs later this week- otherwise, I'm sure you can google it. It works well.
Deanna 3/8/10
We have several differnt fume extractors from Sentry Air Systems in the conservation labs here in St. Louis. I use model SS 300 PFS in my welding area. It is very compact and works well. Our paintings conservator uses model SS 400 PFS for fume extraction.