Jamie Hascall 8/31/10
Hi All,
This is a little off topic but this is the group that might know.
We have been using Medex for casework, as well as a board called
Arreis from Sierra Pine. www.sierrapine.com/Media/ArreisSpec041508wAd.pdf
We've got a show coming in with some fairly strict specs so I wanted
to check with others to see if they had used Arreis and if any testing
had been done. We appreciate any help you can give us on this.
Thanks, Jamie Hascall Chief Preparator Museum of New Mexico Exhibits Santa Fe 505-476-5079
Philip Brutz
This is a major topic for us. We have to Marvel Seal all exposed wood and then cover with an approved fabric. We are trying to find a deck material that is easily jointed, paints well, cost effective and passes conservation. If anyone has any suggestions please let know.
Philip Brutz Mountmaker Cleveland Museum of Art 11150 East Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44106-1797 216-707-2617
James Gielow
We just had a similar issue with a traveling exhibit of Greek vases etc that required a fully sealed ped. We ended up using Komatex (sp?) which is like a PVC material for all our inserts and build ups. It worked great for all your concerns and comes in 3/4" sheets. I can give more info on the material if you think this may work for you.
James A. Gielow Head Preparator Exhibitions and Collections Department
T 619-696-1926 F 619-232-9367
The San Diego Museum of Art: 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park Mailing Address: P.O. Box 122107, San Diego CA 92112-2107
Jamie Hascall
This is for a show of historic books and documents (15th C.). There are no metals in the show and I don't believe there are any other sensitive materials present. This material has been generally regarded as safe by our conservation staff but I just was looking for additional information. If we are to substitute, the material needs to be as structurally appropriate as the other.
Thanks, Jamie
Philip Brutz 8/31/10
I have been making our book mounts out of plexy that I heat form to the opening angle that our paper conservator determines. Then I screw the plexy to a wedge (15degs. Or less) made of 9lb ethafoam. The entire mount is covered with fabric that matches the deck.
Bruce Metro 8/31/10
formaldehyde is not your problem. see: http://cool.conservation-us.org/coolaic/jaic/articles/jaic44-03-002_3.html
Jamie Hascall
Thanks Bruce,
That is the sort of info I was looking for. The Formaldehyde hadn't been my main concern but the link to Formic acid production was very interesting. Getting the fabricators to change casework construction practices is slow but this helps.