For an upcoming exhibit, we need to include wigs on some archival Dorfman mannequins. I've tried to find nylon wigs that would be more likely to pass an Oddy test, but I haven't had any luck yet. Does anyone have a source for wigs that have either passed or might pass? I've considered making more of a sculpted hair and face combination, but I might not have enough time for that.
Ann Prazer
Mount Shop Supervisor
The Field Museum
1400 S. Lake Shore Dr.
Chicago, IL 60625
Hi Katie,
Thanks for the response. Yes, the wigs will be touching the area around the top of the garments. I can add a barrier, although it may be tricky to conceal it. At the moment, I'm waiting on the Oddy test results for three wigs- two synthetic, and one human hair. They will be shown on and off for about 2-3 years, on open display. Unfortunately, wig companies don't want to disclose what the synthetic ones are made of.