Hey guys. I'm in a real pickle here. I have very little time to make a lot of mounts. I recently started at a new company and had to get a whole new setup. They had oxygen and acetylene canisters with regulators, but nothing else. I have the Smith Little Torch (new), new hoses, new tips, new everything else. I got through about 25 mounts (very little ones) when the torch kept going out (while I was brazing ugh!). I did a little research, and since the acetylene regulator was creeping as well, I decided it was time for a new one. Paid express shipping to get it here as soon as possible, and it was the wrong size. I got an adapter now, so we're all good. Problem is, I'm back to square one. The flame keeps going out with no warning and I'm at my wit's end trying to figure out how to fix this quickly and efficiently. Do I need to replace the oxygen regulator too? Clean the cylinders, if so how? I'm ready to pull my hair out. Any advice will help.
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Hi Schyler,
The only reason my Little Torch goes out is lack of fuel. If your acetylene supply is good but your oxygen is out, it seems that you'd get a flame but it won't be a good one. If you're out of acetylene but have oxygen, you probably won't get a flame at all. Are you able to re-light your torch only to have it go out again, or will it not light at all?
Another thought: even though it may seem obvious, be sure your tanks are open, supplying the regulators with gas. My tank valves have reverse threads, so what intuitively seems like it should be the open position is really closed. (In my case they're marked, so I can tell which way to turn.)
Good luck, and please let us know how you're getting on.