Does anyone have any clever, simple, archival solutions for hanging a salon style wall of many art postcards? Most of the cards are 4x6ish with some larger. They will each need to have some sort of "sneeze guard" for the public (acrylic/optium). They will also need to be secured on all sides. I would like the postcards to not be pressed against the acrylic so they might need a barrier like silicone release mylar? One idea is to secure them to the wall with something like L-pins. The problem is that it would require 6-8 L-pins to secure them on all sides and that might be too busy. Also strangely enough, sourcing small silver L-pins is quite impossible. They don't seem to be available anywhere. We are toying with magnets and standoffs, but everything seems to fall short. Any ideas welcome!
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How many are "many" and what are the art postcards made of (printed, pastel, acrylic)? There probably is a simpler version... but if you mylar wrap each postcard against 4-ply cotton rag mat board you could use velcro to the wall and then put an acrylic sneeze guard over the grouping. Again, pretty labor intensive, but safe for the postcards and no L pins...