A restaurant wishes to mount this on the exterior of the building in such a way that it can’t be stolen. Decades ago I heard of a mount that can be described as a maze with a printed cypher key. In other words the bolt on the back of the figurehead fits into a slotted maze and is moved up and down and sideways according to the key until it reaches a center point. The figurehead can only be removed by following the printed key in reverse. Is this something that the owner can buy or is this a custom made piece? It sounds very clever in its simplicity!
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Hi Eric, welcome to the Forum.
This sounds like an interesting project. I've never seen a mounting interface such as you describe as a ready-made, but I can imagine how to create one. It's a neat idea, what was the application that you saw it used in before?
Anyway, I expect you're looking at a custom build. Good luck!