If you work with installation, mountmaking, lifting, packing, moving and handling of art and objects, this is the forum for you!
Forum for Art Handling 2021 will take place online 27-28 oktober in collaboration with Konst i Blekinge, Blekinge museum och Kulturcentrum Ronneby konsthall. This year’s theme is collaboration in all its forms.
Sign up for the forum here (In Swedish).
About Art Handling
Art handling and preparation of objects for exhibition, transport or storage are central activities in collection management as well as exhibition production. Museum loans and storage relocations are increasing and exhibition productions are developing in new creative ways. In order to facilitate a rich and diverse cultural life, the Swedish National Heritage Board has initiated networking activities around art handling. Collaboration and exchange between professionals in this field, whether it is between the private and public sector or between local or national and international parties, are crucial for the development of best practice, methods and techniques for the handling of objects and exhibition design.
Previous Forums
Films on Youtube
Programme Forum for Art Handling 2020 (In Swedish)
About Forum for Art Handling (In Swedish)