The 6th International Mountmakers Forum was held in London at the Natural History Museum from September 25-27, 2018.
Over 200 mountmakers and allied professionals from around the world attended this three-day conference full of talks, tours, posters and events. The first day included ten thought-provoking main talks at the Imperial College, followed by a wonderful evening event held at the Natural History Museum's Darwin
Centre Cocoon.
The second day was held at Natural History London and offered twelve posters, tours of the NHM's shops, plus a new feature: short talks! This format proved to be very popular, so we hope to see it continue into future Forums! The third day offered a mind-dizzying eleven different tour choices at institutions both in London and Oxford.
A truly international, informative and successful gathering!
To send feedback on this Forum to the organizers, please contact: mountmakers@nhm.ac.uk If you have video footage from the short talks that we can share on this site, please contact: mountmakers@nhm.ac.uk
Link to the full footage of the 6th International Mountmakers Forum: Presentations from Day One
"Mounting the Crucified Christ Without Nails, Using Techniques of Stage Magic to Safely Mount a Figure Floating Off the Wall"
Vincent Avalos, Mountmaker, The Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, CA USA
"Teaching Old Bone New Tricks: The Dismantling and Re-Mounting of the NHM's Blue Whale Skeleton"
Arianna Bernucci, Senior Conservator, Natural History Museum, London; Matt Fair, Production Manager, Research Casting International, Canada
"Supporting the Exhibition: Incorporating and Standardising Mount Making and Installation to Support the Exhibition and Loan Preparation of the National Museum Van Wereldculturen"
Martijn de Ruijter, Conservator, National Museum Van Wereldculturen, Netherlands
"The Gurob Ship-Cart Model: Unifying Fragments"
Richard Hards, Senior Mountmaker: Antiquities Conservation, J Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA USA
"Updating and Reusing an Existing Mount in the Repair and Re-Installation of a Sixteenth Century Mughal Indian Jali"
Jamie Hascall, Mountmaker/Trainer, Hascall Consulting LLC, Seattle, WA USA
"Art and Dress: Mounting the Wardrobe of Frida Kahlo"
Rachael Lee, Textile Conservation Display Specialist, Victoria and Albert Museum, London
"Osteomontage Technique Developed for the Exhibition of the UNIVALI Oceanographic Museum"
Bibiana da Conceição Lessa, Assistant Curator, Museu Oceanográfico Univali (MOVI), Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI, Brazil
"Invisible Mounts: Mounting a Collection of Native American Artefacts"
Earl Lock, President, Earl Lock, Inc, Chicago, IL USA
"You're Not Getting Enough Fiber: Exploring the Use of Carbon Fiber to Support a Seventh Century Hollow Core Buddha Sculpture for Transport and Exhibition at the Freer/Sackler Gallery in Washington, DC"
Frederick Sager, Supervising Conservation Preparator, The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York, NY USA
"Creating a Mount Making House-Style and Supporting Training Course"
Shelley Seston, Senior Collections Manager: Care and Access, British Museum, London
Please note that these talks were not recorded.
If you have footage from any of these talks, please contact mountmakers@nhm.ac.uk so we can add it to this site!
"Piña-Seda: Pineapple and Silk Cloth from the Tropics"
Allan Alverez, Museum Researcher, Ethnology Division, National Museum of the Phillipines
"African Currency: The Magnetic Attraction"
Keith Conway, Exhibits Specialist Mountmaker, Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, Washington, DC USA
"Double-Sided Textile Mount"
William Donnelly, Conservation Assistant, Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library, Delaware, USA
"Hold on to your Hats! Developing Time Efficient, Adaptable Internal Mounts for the Storage of Headwear in Museum Collections"
Becky Doonan, Textile Conservator, Centre for Textile Conservation and Technical Art History at the University of Glasgow
"The Benefits and Complexities of International Collaboration: New Challenges and Solutions for the Use of Coin/Ring Mounts in Earthquake-Prone Regions"
Rita L. Amor Garcia, Conservation and Exhibition Assistant, Plowden & Smith, London
"Mountmaking Successes and Failures for Fluid Preserved Vertebrates (and One Nudibranch)"
Ian Hart, Preparator, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA USA
"Mountmaking for a Holotype Specimen"
Geoffrey Leonard, Exhibits Preparator, Natural History Museum of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT USA
"Two Methods of Tethering Objects with Monofilament Fishing Line"
Roger Murray, Senior Sculpture Technician, Tate Britain, London
"How to Mount 133 Square Metres of an Eighteenth Century Flag"
Deborah Phipps, Textile Conservator, Norfolk Museums Service, Norfolk, England; Katie Jeffs, Display Designer, Conservation and Design Services, Norfolk, England
"STASHc: What It Is and How You Can Get Involved"
Shelly Uhlir, Exhibits Specialist Mountmaker, Smithsonian Institution, Museum of the American Indian, Washington, DC USA
"Cleveland Museum of Art "Y" Mount for Garments"
Philip Brutz, Mountmaker, The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH USA
"Mounting a Twisted Spine"
Darren Dickson, Exhibition Specialist, Natural History Museum London
"PETG Book Cradles"
Richard Gould, Exhibits Specialist, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of African American History & Culture, Washington, DC USA
"Creating a Display and Storage Mount for a Structurally Weak Basket"
Libby Ireland, Postgraduate Conservation Student, University College London
"Red Star: Bringing an Archive into the Gallery"
Harry King, Paper Conservation Technician, Tate London
"Mounting the Type Specimen of Pliosaurus Carpenteri, an 8 metre long Fossil Pliosaur (Extinct Marine Reptile) Skeleton for Bristol City Museum, Including the 3D Printed 2 metre Long Skull"
Nigel Larkin, Natural History Conservator, Norfolk, England
"When Galleries Shake"
McKenzie Lowry, Senior Mountmaker; Jerry Podany, Formerly Head of Antiquities Conservation (1985-2016), J Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA USA
"Mount Development for Two Galleries at the World Museum Vienna"
Luba Dovhun Nurse, Conservator and Researcher, Historic Textiles & Dress and Ethnographic Collections, World Museum Vienna
"Mounting and Installation of a Large Entomology Display for Hintze Hall"
Mike Peel, Exhibition Specialist, Natural History Museum London
"The Adoption of a Museum System Developed and Replicated in Museums in the State of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil"
Jules Marcelo Rosa Soto, General Curator; Bibiana da Conceição Lessa, Assistant Curator; Alberto Luciano Fronza, Coordinator of Museograf Gerson; Carlos Rocha, Assistant Curator, Museu Oceanográfico Univali (MOVI), Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI) Brazil
"The Principles of Creating a Magnetic Mounting System: The Physics Every Conservator Needs to Know"
Gwen Spicer, Textile, Upholstery, Paper and Objects Conservator, Spicer Art Conservation, LLC, New York, NY USA
"Mounting Pipe Bags: A Case Study"
Shelly Uhlir, Exhibition Specialist Mountmaker, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of the American Indian, Washington, DC USA.